ScoringAg releases field hydrocooler

05/09/2012 01:27:00 PM
Doug Ohlemeier

ScoringAg Inc. is introducing a hydrocooling system that integrates food safety features to help stop the spread of foodborne pathogens.

The Bradenton, Fla., company says the integrated, charged and ready to run AG-Pack hydrocooler operates within minutes of arrival.

The unit removes field heat from crops and is capable of conducting a kill-step on foodborne pathogens, according to a news release. The unit quickly removes the heat and is affordable for smaller growers, according to the release.

The stainless steel units are constructed with food safety in mind and its design is efficient for cooling returnable plastic containers or lugs, according to the release.

The Hydro-Cooler-sanitizer model 275 uses food grade ice to cool from an on-site ice machine or purchased ice. Model 250 features a 5-ton stainless steel coil water conditioning cooling system.

“Now everyone can promptly respond to food safety preventions within their processes that have inevitably resulted in a potential food safety hazard being overlooked,” according to the release. “Achieving food safety prevention requires taking appropriate steps to prevent problems at every step along the farm-to-table chain. The higher the crop holding temperature, the greater the softening and respiration rate and the sooner the quality becomes unacceptable for commerce.”

Comments (8) Leave a comment 

William Kanitz Pres.    
Fl. USA  |  May, 10, 2012 at 10:30 AM is located in Venice, Florida, USA, specializing in providing food industry solutions with food safety equipment and supplies, mobile database data, GPS printing and Labeling equipment, via wireless PDA's, laptops, and programmed Smart I-phones and other units like Androids using RFID and GPS bar-coded labeling, with the real time traceback database for the FSMA food safety requirements.

Florida  |  May, 10, 2012 at 03:46 PM

Please don't call it a "kill step." It is NOT a kill step. To be a kill step it must also kill any bacteria that is internalized in the fruit/vegie, and not just the surface bacteria. Bacteria can be internalized through a cut or blemish, and it can even make it's way into the veggie through the cut stem end.

California  |  May, 13, 2012 at 05:47 PM

What is the cost of a hydro-cooler in the article? Is it cost effective to help even the smallest growers defeat unknown foodborne pathogens in their harvested crops? Is the industry looking at this as a way to increase profitbability?

May, 13, 2012 at 09:35 PM

The Hydro-Cooler-Sanitizer Model 275 for only $11,000.00 uses food grade ice to do the cooling either from an ice machine on site or purchased ice. The Hydro-Cooler-Sanitizer Model 250 has a 5 ton stainless steel coil water conditioning cooling system cost $17,950.00. This iceless hydro-cooler system removes heat from produce fast whether fruit or vegetables thereby enabling them to severely decrease, if not actually eliminate, the potential for sanitary issues and food safety hazards (biological, chemical, or physical) being introduced into commerce. Mostly the surface is what carries pathogens and field heat just produces pathogens faster if the product is not cooled fast. These units help even the small farmers as the are affordable and cost effective. By using PAA and Hydrogen peroxide from Flo-Tech, you get a 5 log reduction in pathogens in seconds and its a prevention step that can be recorded for your FSMA records.

Food Safety Equipment Staff    
North America  |  May, 16, 2012 at 03:41 PM

We have been getting video requests, so if you would like to see a video of the AgPack Hydro-Cooler in a video, send us a email to Equipment Staff

JR Moneyham    
Grand Ridge, Fl  |  August, 09, 2012 at 04:35 PM

Would like to see video, also is a unit in opertaion close by? I'm located 45 minutes from Tallahassee

Food Safety Equipment Staff    
Florida USA  |  August, 10, 2012 at 08:37 PM

You can see by clicking on the video For Ag-Pack Hydro-Cooler its a multi purpose basic operating system for small and mid size operations. It can also be outfitted with a produce conveyor that's variable speed.

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